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Manuka Honey Cream With Collagen (for Extremely Dry Aging Skin)


Medix 5.5 Collagen cream with Manuka Honey promotes smooth, firm, healthy looking skin by reducing roughness and supporting a strong skin barrier that holds moisture and keeps pollutants out. Infused with Bulgarian Rose, Green Tea and Aloe Vera, to protect the skin from free radicals while leaving your skin feeling hydrated and supple. Reduce wrinkles and improve your skins elasticity by moisturizing your skin every day. Discover a healthy, balanced lifestyle with Medix 5.5.


14,500.00 12% Off

Medix 5.5 Retinol + Ferulic Acid


How to Use:

  1. Cleanse: Begin with a gentle cleanser to remove impurities from your skin.
  2. Pat Dry: Gently pat your skin dry with a clean towel, leaving it slightly damp.
  3. Apply: Take a generous amount of the Age Rewind Moisturizer and massage it into your skin using upward motions.
  4. Focus on Areas: Pay extra attention to areas prone to dryness, fine lines, or uneven skin tone.
  5. Allow Absorption: Let the cream absorb into your skin before applying makeup or going to bed.

Make the MEDIX 5.5 Retinol + Ferulic Acid Age Rewind Moisturizer Body Cream a staple in your daily routine and unveil a more youthful, radiant you. Embrace the power of ageless beauty today!


Medix 5.5 Vitamin C + Turmeric Brightening Moisturizer 🧴


VITAMIN C – Incorporating a Vitamin C infused body lotion into your daily skincare routine can help to promote a more healthy, radiant, & youthful-looking complexion. Vitamin C helps promote an even skin tone, while also helping stimulate collection production to improve skin elasticity + firmness. Vitamin C also helps to minimize redness or irritation in the skin, helps protect from environmental stressors like UV rays, and helps reduce the appearance of fine lines, sun damage, & wrinkles.

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