Got questions? Kindly read through our frequently asked questions below for answers.

Yes. We guarantee that each and every product you purchase on is brand new and 100% genuine. We purchase all products we stock directly from the brand or their authorized distributors only. We are an authorized retailer of many of the brands we carry.

Yes, it’s out of stock. Our website is 100% accurate and up to date.

You can find the estimated restock date for each product on the product page on our website. Kindly visit to search for the product you’re interested in.

Sorry, we do not stock that product at the moment.

We do not offer this service at the moment.

We do not offer this service at the moment.

We do not offer product recommendation at the moment.

We offer quantity discount on some products. You can view the discounted price and the minimum quantity on the product page on our website. The discounted price will be applied automatically in your cart if you meet or exceed the minimum required quantity.

We do not have a walk-in store at the moment.

We dispatch all orders from Lagos State.

We do not accept payment on delivery at the moment.

We accept card, bank transfer & USSD payments through Paystack. We also accept direct bank transfer or deposit for orders above ₦200,000.

Sorry, we do not offer this service at the moment.

Sorry, we do not offer same-day delivery at the moment.

Due to unpredictable logistics challenges, we are unable to provide or guarantee an exact delivery day or time.

It depends on your location. Generally, delivery takes 3 working days or less within Lagos and 7 working days or less to other States.

It depends on the weight of the order, delivery location and delivery method. Generally, our delivery cost is as low as ₦1,000 within Lagos and ₦1,800 outside Lagos.

To serve you better, we start processing orders as soon as we receive payment. Because our system processes orders immediately, we are unable to change or cancel orders.

You can check the status of your order on our Check Order Status page. If you’re a registered customer, you can also check the status of your order in Your Account.

We usually dispatch orders within 0 to 2 working days.

We are unable to accept returns or exchange products at the moment. Kindly visit for more info.

Need more help? Kindly Contact Us.

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